
Buyer Showing Appointment

Your Personal Information

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Required Documents

All parties to the prospective purchase must show valid identification prior to the scheduling of showings. This may take the form of a state-issued photo identification card, a federal-issued photo identification card, a passport, a digital verification process, or any government-issued photo identification method.

Multiple reasons exist for verifying one's identity, chief among them the safety of everyone involved and the protection of property. Ask yourself if you would admit strangers into your family's home or vehicle without such identification. Our policy at Presenting Vegas is to make this an up-front requirement to facilitate buyer verification and to streamline scheduling of showings on behalf of the buyer. Please help us help you by complying with this simple yet important requirement.

Choose a file or drag it here.

One's ability to purchase or finance the purchase of a property must be demonstrated prior to the scheduling of a home tour. Proof of available funds may take the form of a bank account or portfolio statement, a written bank letter on bank letterhead, or even an online banking screenshot as long as the purchaser's name is visible. The portion, if any, of the purchase to be financed must be validated by a lender commitment or pre-approval letter. PDF documents and banking screenshots are acceptable, whereas pictures of paper documents are not.

Multiple reasons exist for demonstrating one's ability to purchase, chief among them being sellers and their brokers generally require it of prospective buyers prior to showings. Our policy at Presenting Vegas is to make this an up-front requirement to facilitate buyer verification and to streamline scheduling of showings on behalf of the buyer. Please help us help you by complying with this simple yet important requirement.

Your photo ID and your financials must be a jpeg, png or pdf and must be less than 20MB.

What Are You Interested In?
  • (home) 1108 Pine Island Court , Las Vegas, 89134


    Only upon verified receipt of proof of funds, purchaser identification and execution of the Buyer Broker Agreement can showings be scheduled. Once these items have been received, rest assured we at Presenting Vegas will roll out the proverbial red carpet for your educational and enjoyable property tour.

    Because our calendar tends to fill up days in advance, we ask for your flexibility and advance notice in order that we may prioritize you. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to being of service to your important buying process.